On the tables of 300 Restaurants in Amsterdam

We decided to build this website to give you the chance to order your own bottle of Chilasso. Sure! But in our vision; the best way to test all various taste combinations deliver all kinds of different taste explosions. 

And since we see the world as a big laboratory of tasting possiblities we want to show you around a little in Amsterdam and be sure that you end up in a place where you can taste our sauce in any possible combination.

All the pictures in this gallery have been taken over a five year period at the locations of more then three hundred of our clients in Amsterdam. All of them restaurants and professional catering entrepreneurs. Well, if you were looking for proof? Here it is!

Oh yeah, and if you were wondering who the guy in the black suit is... That is Adel. He likes his clients very much and loves to visit them personally on a daily basis. He is an artist, a chef and the founder.


E: info@chilasso.com
T: +31(0)6 228 246 92  
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